Small Vent/Rant

Our teller line recently lost a few employees. In order to cover the upcoming vacations of current employees, we increased the hours of a few part-time employees and hired another part-time person. The supervisor is not pitching in to cover any of these shortages on the line (but is quick to offer suggestions of pulling people from other departments). That makes sense, right?! Wait, it gets better... Yesterday the supervisor asked for 4 additional unpaid days of vacation this fall. WHAT?! You're telling me your department is woefully short and then you're going to further contribute to the problem?! Our management team has had it up to here with this department/supervisor anyway, but I will wager that the request is approved. Sigh...
Thanks for listening forumites!
Thanks for listening forumites!
BTW... I've been with this organization for about 4 years, and I can firmly say banking managers are (on average) pretty spoiled. Not many of them here would last a month in retail.
"We're short today, I don't know where we're going to get people to cover. Donna doesn't come in until noon and Sarah's not in until 1."
"Uh, did you call Donna and Sarah and ask if they can come in early? I guess Supervisor Janet is going to have to be in a window all day today."
Come on! Think a little, just a little! What can you do to get through?
One manager in particular called me up to tell me that there were a couple of employees terminating at the same time, and to complain loud and long about how short-handed they were. The supervisor under her was brand-new to the job and they were already running short-handed and she was in something of a panic about what they were going to do. However, when I called back the next week to talk to her, I was told that she had gone ahead and gone on her vacation, leaving the brand-new supervisor not only to try and figure out how to staff and run the branch while working a teller window herself, but also to somehow fit in the screening and interviewing of applicants!
The solution must be to take extra vacation! Man, I'm dumb; that was the solution all along!!
From the outside looking in it appears that the department is overstaffed for at least half the day. This tells me (and management) that they are not staffing appropriately, but nothing seems to change because "it's been like this for 20 years!" You do not need to fill every window on the line from 8 AM-4 PM every day in the fall and winter. I strongly believe they can run with 3 quite well. They just buck that to no end and say it isn't possible. No reason, just that it can't be done. Then stop coming to me for solutions! They can't see the forest for the trees.
We give all our branches a maximum number of employees that they are allowed to have. We allow them to determine their own minimum number that they can function with, but I am amazed at how many of them want to keep the maximum number on staff even during the less-busy times of the year. If you have a teller leave in November, odds are you aren't going to have to replace that position until at least May, when it begins to get busier. But the argument always is "well, I'm allowed to have six tellers on the line, so I need to hire somebody ASAP." And then you go to the branch and see that there are three tellers sitting there half the day just twiddling their thumbs.
If you don't fill a position immediately (especially in this climate) then it means the company is in trouble and about to go down the tubes.
If you don't work your employees the maximum hours it means they will not be able to put food on the table AND pay for the extras on the new car.
PLUS someone had to be stressed out by having a customer actually have to WAIT for them while they handled another problem, instead of the employee spending half the day waiting for a customer to need them.
Ok. I feel better now.
Maybe I should just wait until the supervisor is off on her extra 4 days of vacation...
I'd love to give the supervisor's job to this new person. She'd straighten everything out in less than a month.
I work at a bank and I don't know why I would ever come inside for banking purposes if I wasn't already here. An occassional trip to the safety deposit box would be about it. Payroll is direct deposit and I can get all the cash I need at multiple ATM's all over the place. Lately we are extremely busy with re-fi's for home loans. If you have not yet looked into refinancing your home loan it may be worth checking into.