Labor Day

Here's some interesting facts on Labor Day from the US Census Bureau that were included in the August issue of Diversity Insight.
With jobs and unemployment as some of the hottest topics of the day, I'm curious to hear what HR people think would help to improve the job market and get more people back in the workforce.
MLSP's president, Dan Oswald, recently shared his thoughts on this in The Oswald Letter
With jobs and unemployment as some of the hottest topics of the day, I'm curious to hear what HR people think would help to improve the job market and get more people back in the workforce.
MLSP's president, Dan Oswald, recently shared his thoughts on this in The Oswald Letter
With jobs and unemployment as some of the hottest topics of the day, I'm curious to hear what HR people think would help to improve the job market and get more people back in the workforce. [/quote]
I'm gonna go out on a limb and say, more jobs? **==
Hope everyone has a wonderful Holiday weekend.
With jobs and unemployment as some of the hottest topics of the day, I'm curious to hear what HR people think would help to improve the job market and get more people back in the workforce.
The financial news is still more bad than good. And some places are worse than others. When I was in California last week I was shocked by how many businesses had closed. We took many walks along the beach and it seemed like half of the vacation homes (beach front property) were empty. Unfortunately, until organizations feel more secure they are going to be slow to expand and grow. Having said that, I hope that most companies have stockpiled enough cash that they are beginning to ease up a little. Once we start getting good reports from the government more regularly, things will pick up. It is just a very long slog to get there. Just my 2 cents.
I think appreciation for businesses who are surviving and growing is in order from [I]every[/I] political leader. I am not sure what good an apology does at this point. I would rather see committment to make sure this fiasco isn't repeated.
(I'm full of 2 cent opinions today.