Facebook: A Cry For Help?

This week one of our summer staff got lost mountain biking in the woods a few miles north. He was riding some unfamiliar trails and became lost. The sun set and he realized he was in some trouble.
he posted this on his facebook page:
"Hey, im currently lost in a forest right now & its really dark"
His brother read his comment and "liked" his status. (I am guessing he thought he was joking around).
I got the call at 1:30 am that he was lost in the woods. Police dispatch advised me to not have our staff go look for him (to prevent others from becoming lost). So, I just listened to my police scanner until I fell asleep.
The next morning he had still not been found. Fortunately, as soon as the sun came up, he was able to get his bearings and find his way to Hwy 101 where he was spotted by the police and brought home cold, hungry but safe.
I asked him later if the Facebook post was a bit of a joke and he said no. It was his way of asking for help.
The times, they are a-changing...
he posted this on his facebook page:
"Hey, im currently lost in a forest right now & its really dark"
His brother read his comment and "liked" his status. (I am guessing he thought he was joking around).
I got the call at 1:30 am that he was lost in the woods. Police dispatch advised me to not have our staff go look for him (to prevent others from becoming lost). So, I just listened to my police scanner until I fell asleep.
The next morning he had still not been found. Fortunately, as soon as the sun came up, he was able to get his bearings and find his way to Hwy 101 where he was spotted by the police and brought home cold, hungry but safe.
I asked him later if the Facebook post was a bit of a joke and he said no. It was his way of asking for help.
The times, they are a-changing...
Oh, heck. Who am I kidding? I probably would have just tweeted and curled up for the night.
I guess posting on Facbook could be considered resourceful under the circumstances, although if it were me and I had data reception I think I would have actually texted a specific person for help rather than putting it out there on Facebook. (I don't even have a Facebook page personally, though, so what do I know?!)
I hate to imagine my mom or dad logging on to Facebook one morning and seeing that and being really upset. But, on the other hand, maybe one of my resourceful friends would be the one to save me.
There is a backstory to this particular employee that would explain his behavior. He's just a bit different.
I prefer texting. Can you collect Workman's Comp for thumb cramps? Oops, should I admit to texting from work?!?