survey monkey and applicant eeo data
79 Posts
Has anyone used, or other commercial web-based survey instrument, to collect eeo self ID info from applicants? Are there any issues with using it that anyone can think of?
Have you considered using Google docs? We use their web forms for more sensitive-type info.
I use Google docs for documents but haven't done any forms. Are you talking about forms that are then filled in and printed out, or are they filled in online and the data compiled for you?
We have used suvey monkey for other areas and it has worked very well for us.
I use Google docs for documents but haven't done any forms. Are you talking about forms that are then filled in and printed out, or are they filled in online and the data compiled for you?[/QUOTE]
The forms we use are filled in online and generate an excel spreadsheet. It's soooo simple! In Google Docs, select "Create New," then select "Form."
It would be absolute overkill to use Survey Monkey for EEO info in an organization our size. ADP compiles my EEO-1 for me.