
I have an employee who has started calling in with depression issues. Unsure if the ee is seeing a doctor yet, but I see depression as a gray area when it comes to FMLA and ADA. Any advise/suggestions from on how to proceed?
My initial intention is to start down the FMLA road to get more information from her doctor to help make the call.
My initial intention is to start down the FMLA road to get more information from her doctor to help make the call.
Hope it helps.
Somestimes being sympathetic can backfire. My boss was wonderful when I lost my mom two years ago, but we are still feeling the repercussions of my inability to think clearly then. I believe we all (both personally and professionally) would have been better off if my boss had been a bit tougher on me then. I guess after working with me over 20 years she figured she just needed to give me time. It worked, but as I said, I am still finding errors I made during that period. Sigh. I HATE walking around with my face red all day. ::angryface::