Man Gene may be for real!

Looks like John Phillips may be right.
According to a recent article, there may actually be a man gene that make some men more prone to cheating on their wives.
According to a recent article, there may actually be a man gene that make some men more prone to cheating on their wives.
1) The study was not done on men and women, so there is no telling if it is a 'man' thing or not.
2) Dr. Wade specifically said the number one thing regarding cheating in relationships was "learned behavior."
3) The study also found that the brain could be trained to 'unlearn' the behavior.
If you don't believe it's a social thing, just watch tv for a bit. The Hardees commercial, for instance, makes it plain that cheating (at least for young men) is a thing to be admired. The guy who cheats is not in the least remorseful, but sits smirking while his car is fixed. The guys fixing the car are shaking their heads while appearing to admire the guy. Apparently Hardees wants to impress the young male cheating demographic.
I don't know if it is working or not. I have never been a big Hardees fan, but after this disgusting commercial it is unlikely that I will ever eat there again.
Some scientists believe psychopaths also have a genetic pre-disposition to their "indescretions." Does that make it OK? If so, I guess a psychopath's inability to learn right from wrong also applies to men in general?
OK. Rant over.