EEO Plan - public sector requirments

Does anyone have any public sector experience when an EEO plan is required. We're a municipality who is pursuing a JAG (justice dept. for law enforcement) grant and we're getting conflicting information on what is required. Some have said only an EEO statement/policy is necessary, while others have said a full-blown plan is necessary.

Any prior experience w/something like this?


  • 1 Comment sorted by Votes Date Added
  • Stay conflicted. We just had a JAG audit for a grant and I quote. . "The City is NOT required to submit and EEO plan to the U.S. Department of Justice, .. for approval. The City does not have a current EEO plan in the required format. The City MUST prepare and EEO plan using the on-line short form builder at [url][/url]
    and submit. . "

    Check out that web page under getting started. I still don't think it is clear. We had a written plan that doesn't count and I am in the process of entering it on line in their format.
    PITA if you ask me :) Good luck.
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