Electronic Timekeeping - Actual "Approval" Required?

Hello All
We are getting ready to implement an electronic timekeeping system through our payroll provider ADP. Interestingly enough the system gives employers the "option" of an "Approval" step. According to the time and labor experts I am working with at ADP they indicate that the Approval step is optional as it is specifically not required by the DOL Wage and Hour division. They are saying that the mere fact tht an employee is logging into a system and/or utilizing a telephone PIN when logging or clocking time, that this is sufficient as it shows evidence of hours worked and recordkeeping requirements and satisfies the "best evidence" rule in proving this to the DOL. What say you all?
We are getting ready to implement an electronic timekeeping system through our payroll provider ADP. Interestingly enough the system gives employers the "option" of an "Approval" step. According to the time and labor experts I am working with at ADP they indicate that the Approval step is optional as it is specifically not required by the DOL Wage and Hour division. They are saying that the mere fact tht an employee is logging into a system and/or utilizing a telephone PIN when logging or clocking time, that this is sufficient as it shows evidence of hours worked and recordkeeping requirements and satisfies the "best evidence" rule in proving this to the DOL. What say you all?
If an employee doesn't to approve, they still get paid. But I bug the crap out of them to get them to remember.
We are getting ready to implement an electronic timekeeping system through our payroll provider ADP. Interestingly enough the system gives employers the "option" of an "Approval" step. According to the time and labor experts I am working with at ADP they indicate that the Approval step is optional as it is specifically not required by the DOL Wage and Hour division. They are saying that the mere fact tht an employee is logging into a system and/or utilizing a telephone PIN when logging or clocking time, that this is sufficient as it shows evidence of hours worked and recordkeeping requirements and satisfies the "best evidence" rule in proving this to the DOL. What say you all?[/QUOTE]
Is the approval step for employees or the employer? I feel that having a supervisor or other manager approve the time is a good step, as they can review the hours and say, "hmm - Susie left early that day but she clocked out at 5...what gives?" Helps us prevent abuse.
This is just one reason to make sure the supervisor checks the time cards. Even systems set up to avoid cheating can be cheated. A supervisor checking will help you know that the system is working.
Good luck!