EFCA Preparation

Can anyone share with me your preparation, if any, for the upcoming EFCA legislation that will probably be enacted later this year? Are you doing any training with your supervisors or communications with your employees? For me, it's hard to make a case for the cost of the training our supervisors using a well-qualified labor attorney when the legislation has not yet been enacted. However, I don't want to get caught flat-footed if the legislation goesthrough either.
Any help?


  • 1 Comment sorted by Votes Date Added
  • Our organization is already unionized, so we are not doing any training. I am assuming that your organization is not unionized, hence, your concern with the EFCA. You might consider a more generalized training on union avoidance that includes the potential effects of EFCA if it passes. That way, even if it doesn't pass, you still received some value for your dollars.
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