usable movie lines

Frank's post on another thread reminded me of some great movie lines that we use in everyday life. I wondered what other favorites are out there.
Hubby and I tend to use several frequently. They are, "I'll be back" from the Terminator (doesn't everyone?) and, "220, 221, whatever it takes" from Mr. Mom. We translate it to other things like, "How many cookies are you going to eat?" "4, 5, whatever it takes." We also use lines from the Karate Kid (you too much tv) and the television series Kung Fu (Ahhh, Grasshopper...)
Do you use movie lines in regular life? What are your favorites?
Hubby and I tend to use several frequently. They are, "I'll be back" from the Terminator (doesn't everyone?) and, "220, 221, whatever it takes" from Mr. Mom. We translate it to other things like, "How many cookies are you going to eat?" "4, 5, whatever it takes." We also use lines from the Karate Kid (you too much tv) and the television series Kung Fu (Ahhh, Grasshopper...)
Do you use movie lines in regular life? What are your favorites?
"I've come for your daughter, Chuck" from Beetlejuice (used when we go pick up one of the granddaughters)
"Beam me up, Scotty"
"I'll be back"
and quite a few others I can't think of right at this moment.
My personal all-time favorite is kind of obscure but I love it: "You are so mercifully devoid of the ravages of intelligence", from the movie Time Bandits.
The more serious times call for the right line from Casablanca: "Round up the usual suspects" or "I was misinformed." One of my favorites, though, is one I don't get to use very often... and again, is one almost no one gets. Remember the scene when Peter Lorre's little insect of a character is pestering Rick? Lorre asks him, "You despise me, don't you?" And Rick replies, "If I gave you any thought I probably would." I like to use the second line on people who are being major jerks, without the benefit of the first line to set it up. Hey - I know what comes before, so it's all the same to me.
The old line "any organization that would have me as a member isn't worth joining", or to that effect, had a parallel line in Casablanca. Again, it's Lorre addressing Rick: "You know, Rick, I have many a friend in Casablanca, but somehow, just because you despise me, you are the only one I trust.”
What a great movie.
"I'll be your huckleberry." - Tombstone
"Very interesting... as a LUGGAGE problem!" - Joe Versus the Volcano
"I nicked the census man!" - O Brother Where Art Thou?
"Its a hard world for the little things." -Raising Arizona
"OK Then." -Raising Arizona
"So I got that going for me" - Caddyshack
"You got a purdy mouth!" - Deliverance
Another is: "I'll get you, and your little dog too." Of course, this one is from the Wizard of Oz. I used that one on Becky when she was younger. She didn't have a dog so, depending on the level of malice I applied when saying it, it would usually make her laugh.
Last one: “Come, Watson, come! The game is afoot,” This one is from an old Sherlock Holmes movie with Basil Rathbone as Sherlock.
Another line we use from the same movie, "I believe. I believe. It's silly, but I believe."
A few of my favorites to use with employees:
Office Space (of course):
"Did you get the memo?"
"We need to talk about your TPS reports."
"Yeah..I'm going to need you to come in on Saturday, mm-kay?"
"Have you seen my stapler?"
"Mr...Na da...Na da...Notta gonna work here anymore!"
"The thing is, Bob, it's not that I'm lazy, it's that I just don't care."
I Love Lucy:
"You've got a lot of 'splainin to do!"
Top Gun:
"You're ego is writing checks your body can't cash."
I like this game...I could go on and on and on...can you tell I like movies?
The toughest part is finding the appropriate setting to use these lines. But that's also why its so gratifying.
Here's another good one from Raising Arizona that HR pros could use all the time.
"You're young and you got your health. What you want with a job?"
Others from Raising Arizona
"Repeat OFFENDER!"
"Prison life is structured. More than some people care for."
"Son, you got a PANTY on your head."
My hubby loves to break the tension when he is annoyed at me by saying, "Lucy, you got some 'splainin to do."
I quote Forrest Gump a lot. Love that movie! Doesn't pertain to any given situation....just fun.
Paul, you made me laugh when you said "I'll be your huckleberry". When our daughter's relationship was getting serious with her future husband and was discussing this with us, my husband told her "Tell Justin I'll be his hucklberry". I cracked up! She didn't find it very humorous though.
Frankly my dear....I don't give a damn - Gone With the Wind (Would like to use this often, but you know, supposed to be professional and all)
Too much mind - Karate Kid
Do you feel lucky, punk? Wellll...... do ya? - Clint Eastwood (Dirty Harry?)
"This guy was a close friend of mine....This lying piece of [bleep]...But he betrays me, he betrays me at the job and then he goes and does this? The lies are so outlandish that they're [bleep] almost laughable, aren't they?...But there's no tape that corroborates that right? Good, okay."
It's not really usable, but it's classic: "I carried a watermelon." Quickly followed by, "I carred a watermelon?!" Baby- Dirty Dancing.
The quote from Blagojevich is hilarious. I'd say unbelievable...but it isn't.
What's the deal with it being 2 hours? Although this episode might be worth watching online.
Blago is turning out to be my favorite. He's just so sleazy and nutty. He's got a thing for balloons.
Another classic Blago moment:
Exchange with passer-by:
Passer-by: "You're a disgrace."
Blago: "No, none of that's true. That's baloney."
Passer-by: "Enjoy prison."
I was actually getting kind of a kick out of watching Blagojevich, who I was prepared to really hate. He's definitely sleazy (he's a politician, after all) but he isn't boring, anyhow. I caught that exchange with the person on the street who told him he was a disgrace....I also got a huge kick out of the part where the young woman mistook him for Donny Osmond!
Guess I will see if anything's changed, and see just how crazy that guy Blago is.
last night I watched "The Fantastic Mr. Fox" with my girls and we loved it. Lot's of quotable lines and funny moments. Its directed by Wes Anderson so its quirky but definitely not your run of the mill Disney/pixar type movie.
"What the cuss?"
At one point Mrs. Fox looks at her husband who has backslid into stealing chickens and endangered their family and says:
[URL=""][B][COLOR=#003399]Mrs. Fox[/COLOR][/B][/URL]: This story's too predictable.
[B][URL=""][COLOR=#003399]Mr. Fox[/COLOR][/URL][/B]: Predictable? Really? Then, how does it end?
[B][URL=""][COLOR=#003399]Mrs. Fox[/COLOR][/URL][/B]: In the end, we all die. Unless you change.
That line hit me hard and got me thinking about how as a husband and a father so much of the health and well being of my family depends on the choices I make.
Don't blame me if they start saying "What the cuss?"
Don't blame me if they start saying "What the cuss?"[/quote]
Heck, I'll probably start saying that....I love it!