Reference Checks

We require a 10-year employment history, but as a matter of course just verify the most recent 3 years. In the past I have been suspicious of applications which list "business closed or out of business" more than a couple of times as the reason for leaving; however, this economy is causing me to rethink the matter.
Any opinions on this, O Wise Ones?
Any opinions on this, O Wise Ones?
We must get the same driver applicants. I do a google search to make sure that I cannot find the Company lurking out there with a little different address. Who do you use for your background checks? I switched last year after a Mock DOT audit and have found that the new service I use has lots of records and has made my back ground invesitgations much easier and more complete. The auditor I used said however, that the procedures we were following would protect us in a DOT audit.