The Power Suit

You think HR folks have problems now, just hope America's workforce doesn't buy into Dolce and Gabbana's new power suit. For a quick peek go to:
Now, about the suits, what woman would wear that to work and expect to be taken seriously? Besides the fact, I would send her home to change into something appropriate. What a joke!
OMG Frank! I thought you were pantsless, not lace panties!
crowd. Stilettos? LOVE them!
Hey, that's given me a good idea. I am an XXL myself, and between my overall, shall we say "robust" build and the glaring whiteness of my legs, if I dressed like that maybe they'd pay me extra just to put on a pair of slacks!
Oh, hey, no offense taken....unlike some bigger girls, I fully recognize that I am not a size 2 and it's just not a huge deal to me anymore. I am a strong, capable woman with a family who loves me, a great career, an active life outside of work, and even a really cute wardrobe.
If you had implied that all XXL people were lazy, smelly slobs who sit around doing nothing but eat all day, and had in any way implied that I am unable to do my job and do it well because I am an XXL, I would have been offended, but particularly with regard to the whole power suit thing we've been discussing in this thread, I have nothing but a sense of humor about it!
Size 2, like, is that even a real size? Look at my avatar. I'm smaller than the trike. Life is good.