Holiday pay & hours worked

Opinions please, O Wise Ones. Have group of municipal ee's required to work 10 hours per day, 4 days per week. When a day's vacation is taken 10 hours are deducted from vacation bank. What would be the appropriate pay for a paid holiday? 10 hours or 8 hours?
But in Joannie's case the employees are 'required' to have 4 day workweeks. It doesn't seem fair to charge them 2 hours of vacation leave every time a a holiday rolls around when they don't have a choice as to their schedule.
We have employees who are on a reduced schedule at their request. They work half time (one week on then one week off), so when a holiday comes around they get paid 4 hours of holiday pay and must take 4 hours of leave. They don't like it, and I don't blame them, but it is the fairest thing if you consider our other employees. If we required this schedule, I would certainly look at it differently.
Just my 2 cents.