Forum access
ACU Frank
2,188 Posts
Getting into the forum has been pretty hit-or-miss in the last week or so - I'm getting a lot of 'webpage not found' errors. The next time it happens, I'll send an e-mail to Tony.
Our tech folks haven't been able to find any specific problems, and things appear to be working OK for now. If that changes, though, please send me a link to wherever you are specifically trying to go when the system doesn't respond. Jim Robb, our top tech guy, tells me he will use that to try to get to the bottom of any problem. Sorry about the inconvenience.:o tk
As late as yesterday afternoon, whenever I tried to open a thread to read it I would get an "internal server error 500" message. It's been happening for most of the week. I just thought it was us or I would have said something sooner.
Jim has many high-tech projects tugging at his time
But I have convinced him to help me stand guard and give his undivided attention to this matter :ball and chain:
I hope I don't have to resort to stronger tactics. :whip: