Republican wins Senate seat in Massachusetts

The balance shifted last night when Republican Scott Brown beat out Democrat Martha Coakley for the late Edward M. Kennedy's Massachusetts Senate seat. Now, Democrats no longer have a filibuster-proof Senate majority.
Most media outlets and GOP representatives seem to be playing this race as Massachusetts voters taking a stand on health care and the Obama administration's "Big Brotherism."
Bob Corker, one of our Senators here in Tennessee said the message from last night's election is: "Go back to the drawing board" on health care.
I know at one point, Coakley had a hefty lead in the polls. I'd like to know if any Massachusetts forumites have any personal insight into the race (the rest of you can chime in, too). Was it really all about health care and the Obama administration?
Most media outlets and GOP representatives seem to be playing this race as Massachusetts voters taking a stand on health care and the Obama administration's "Big Brotherism."
Bob Corker, one of our Senators here in Tennessee said the message from last night's election is: "Go back to the drawing board" on health care.
I know at one point, Coakley had a hefty lead in the polls. I'd like to know if any Massachusetts forumites have any personal insight into the race (the rest of you can chime in, too). Was it really all about health care and the Obama administration?