AMA Awards

Just curious if there any music fans who watched the AMA awards and had a comment. I didnt watch them but I heard about some of the controversial moments (Adam Lambert).
I saw a clip of his performance on Youtube and was pretty suprised by what network TV is permitting on a show that probably had kids 12-15 watching.
Anyone else care to comment?
I saw a clip of his performance on Youtube and was pretty suprised by what network TV is permitting on a show that probably had kids 12-15 watching.
Anyone else care to comment?
I was struck by the originality, talent and sheer entertainment value of Lady GaGa, but also found her costuming a bit disturbing. For her song Bad Romance, she and her dancers wore body suits that left little to the imagination, except for one important detail - the males had no 'male bulges', while the females (including Lady GaGa) had distinct male parts incorporated into their suits. At least, that's how it appeared to me. Bizarre costume or not, busting a glass box open with a microphone stand to get to the piano inside that bursts into flames when you start playing it - I mean, THAT'S entertainment! Especially when you add the percussion effect of breaking liquor bottles against the piano...
(I know it sounds like I'm mocking her, but I'm not. I was pretty impressed by the showmanship.)
I didnt see Lady Gaga but my guess is the skin tight outfits with distinctive bulges were a reference to the internet rumors that she is actually a Mr. Gaga.
Apparently ABC got about 1500 complaints after the AMA award show is over.
Lambert's point was "hey, Madonna has been doing this stuff for years. Why the double standard?"
Who knew he was such a devoted fan of our 16th president?