Stuffing or Dressing?

We love to talk about food here in the content department at MLSP and with the biggest eating holiday of all just around the corner, the age old debate of stuffing or dressing has returned. I've always thought this was a great ice breaker question because the person's answer immediately tells you if they are a Southerner or not. So, what's your family's traditional main side dish at big holiday meals? Stuffing or dressing?
We started having Thanksgiving at my house when I was in my early 20's. After we moved to Kansas we did all holidays at my house. Last year we lost my mom and I was definitely NOT in the mood (her birthday is November 24th). Somehow I ended up doing dinner at one of our daughter's with everyone chipping in.
2 daughters bought a home this year, so we are doing Thanksgiving at one (where I am still in charge of the meal) and Christmas at the other's. She will be making her first holiday meal (with mom there to help). I think I am ready for the change. I love doing the meal, but 30+ years is enough.
Recipe? Please?
I really like having it at my house the best; we do lots of other meals and get-togethers at my son & daughter-in-law's house so it makes it more special to have it at my place. We generally do Thanksgiving at our place and Christmas at my son's, so I don't get completely burned out on hosting big holiday meals.
And yes, please do post the candied cranberry recipe...I made candied cranberries one year and they were SOOOOO good but I promptly lost the recipe and haven't found another one that sounded as good.
3 (12-oz) packages of fresh or frozen cranberries
3 cups sugar
1/2 cup brandy
Arrange cranberries evenly in a single layer in 2 lightly greased 15x10 jelly roll pans. (I put aluminum foil on the bottom of the pans and sprayed that to make clean up easier.) Sprinkle sugar evenly over cranberries. Cover tightly with aluminum foil. Bake at 350 degrees for 1 hour, switching pans to opposite oven racks after 30 minutes. Spoon cranberries into large serving bowl. Stir in brandy. Let cool. Serve at room temperature or cover and chill. Yields 5/1-2 cups. Can store in the fridge for up to one week, so this is a great make-ahead dish.
I found this cookbook at my local library. It has a LOT of great recipes for the holidays.