Workplace Pool Party

Today's Wall Street Journal has an interesting article on the professional perils of wearing a Speedo or other revealing swimsuit attire to the office pool party. If you have a comment, please jump in now. tk
Having said that, swimsuits probably cross the line at many places. High powered businesses need to keep that image. Paul works at a resort near or on the beach. Swimsuits are more than acceptable there. The more casual the workplace, the more casual you can go at your outside events.
A few years ago, as I drove along one of the smaller boulevards in my home town, I came upon a traffic jam. This was on a street where traffic jams are pretty uncommon so I was concerned that there may have been an accident. Unfortunately, I was caught mid-block and could not turn off onto a side street.
After sitting still for a few minutes, traffic began to creep forward. As I got closer to the intersection I could see nothing that would block traffic so was a bit confused. Then I noticed the fellow in the car in front of me all but hanging out his window shouting remarks to someone in a yard to the left.
I looked over and, low and behold, saw a very tall, very overweight man (large, large beer belly) mowing his yard in nothing but a pair of black oxfords with matching black socks, a pair of headphones, and Raybans. The fellow was so blindingly pale the sun bounced off him and all but blinded passers by. As I watched, mesmerized by the spectacle, the man turned the mower and headed off in a different direction. As he turned, I could see his side and behind and realized that he was wearing a Speedo. Not just any Speedo, mind you. This one was designed to resemble an American flag. I have to tell you, the stars and stripes never looked so bizarre. I believe I sat there for a full minute before I realized that I was the one now holding up traffic.
Unfortunately for me, that image is permanently imprinted on my retina and whenever someone mentions Speedo, it immediately comes to mind.
Pale Pacific Northwesterners? Paul, I'm here in Roseburg. My husband is hawaiian and compared to him, yes! He says I'm shark bait! :-)