Vacation time pay in lieu of time off

Is anyone paying employees for vacation time (on the Books) in lieu of taking the time off? Say in the case that an employee is at or near max on time for the year and he would like the extra pay instead of taking the time off. What would you do? We have several employees that would like the extra pay (5 days) instead of taking the time off. If you do pay them what are your rules and how do you handle it.
Employees have a max accrual. I have tried notifications, increasing maxes, and now the option to cash out some. We still have at least 1 employee who occassionally loses leave time because they maxed out. This is not due to work loads, but just not taking time off.
Its a nice benefit and I have used it several times to help pay for time off. I have trouble using the vacation time I earn so cashing some in has been a nice benefit.
What Dutch [B]and [/B]Joannie said. You 'use it or lose it' here. As a Bank our insurance policy requires each employee to be out at least 5 consecutive business days. Most people do not have trouble using their remaining time off.