On-Call Pay

Please give me rules and regulations for on-call pay. Computer Technician employee is non-exempt...if he is required to be available by phone on Saturday for 2 hours and has already worked 40 hours, are we required to compensate for this time and is the pay overtime? If he is not restricted during these 2 hours, is payment required?

Thank you.



  • 1 Comment sorted by Votes Date Added
  • The contolling factor is the degree to which the employee's time is restricted. If the employee can substantially use the time as she/he wants, and just needs to carry a cell phone or pager, you do not need to compensate for "on-call" time. You do need to compensate once the employee engages in work (i.e., answers the phone). If the expectation is that the employee will report to work within, say, 30 minutes of receiving a call, if necessary; that restricts how far from home they can travel. In that case, you may need to compensate the on-call time.
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