What's your ODD HR duty?

HR is practiced differently from organization to organization. In smaller companies, its not unusual for HR (and other positions) to wear multiple hats.

So what is your ODD HR function? What is that task you inherited at some point that seems incongruent with everything else you do. I have a WHOLE list of them. I'll share just two.

Parking police - in the summer we have 90 summer staff who live here for three months. One of my jobs is to make sure they are parking in their designated areas and not occupying our guest parking. Since I come to the office at about 7 am most days, I will do a short parking patrol and write up the offenders I find parked in the wrong area. I even have a little badge I wear.

Airport runs - again, in the summer we will have staff who come to work for us from out of state (or out of the country). Its not unusual for me to make 2-3 airport runs (about a 2 hour drive each way) to pick up arriving staff.


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