HIPPA violation

What is the best way to deal with a HIPPA complaint when the complaint is hear say? For exapmle, Sue says that somebody told her that Bonnie (the employee) was talking about Sue's account balance. It doesn't really seem that anything can be proved and I'm not sure how to discipline the employee, or even if I should discipline. Also, this has been a problem employee (not with HIPPA) in case that matters. Thank you for any help!!


  • 2 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • First, I am not sure what you mean by "account balance." If you mean leave balances, I am not sure talking about that is a HIPPA violation. However, if it is, I would investigate the same as any other alllegation of a violation of rule or policy. Ask Sue for the identity of the "somebody" who said Bonnie said... Interview that person and Bonnie. If Sue won't identify the "somebody", you could still talk to Bonnie. If Bonnie denies the allegation and Sue has not identified the "somebody", the investigation is pretty much over. If the somebody confirms the allegation, and Bonnie denies it, you get to be judge and jury and decide who is more credible. As for the level of discipline, depending on Bonnie's work history, a letter of counseling should suffice.
  • Agree with David. You need to investigate allegations, even if you believe they are probably unfounded. Sue needs to feel that you are protecting her and her privacy. "Somebody" needs to know that they can't just gossip freely without possible repercussions. Bonnie needs to know that you will follow up at any hint that she is speaking out of turn.

    Most likely you will not find out anything you can act on, but 'Somebody" will be more careful in the future, and so will Bonnie (even if she is innocent she needs to be careful about what she says and to whom).

    Good luck!

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