Male vs Female Managers

What is your take on this? In HR we often get to see the end result of both male and female management styles.
[I]Do Women Make Better Managers?[/I]
"Recent studies point out that while both male and female styles of leadership can be effective, "female" frequently has the edge."
[I]Do Women Make Better Managers?[/I]
"Recent studies point out that while both male and female styles of leadership can be effective, "female" frequently has the edge."
The author also seems to have left out one skill that I think its fair to say men have in greater quantities than women and that is the ability to compartmentalize. Men can argue in a meeting and then walk out and go grab lunch with little emotional residue.
Clearly, there are skilled women managers but I think this article overstates any advantage they may have over men.
Just my 2 cents.
Your facetious, fanatical, flawless, fertilizer forces me to forgo my frivolous feebleness forthwith.
Yeah, I really expected more from Frank. And did he say that women dominate?
I hope he's feeling okay.
FYI The new board does not translate well on a Blackberry.
oops... that's three more...