Spring Fever!

A-a-a-h-h-h! Spring . . . when a young man's fancy turns to thoughts of love. I can't remember who first said that, but I do remember it being the opening line of a cartoon. (I think it was Peppy LePew, but wouldn't bet on it.)
I remember there was a situation at my last job where a husband and wife worked different shifts and she got involved with someone on her shift, then it got pretty ugly, pretty fast. Also, a young couple who got met, dated, got married, then got divorced while working there, all within 18 months. He left the company, she started dating someone else there. They both left, then returned. Not sure if they're still together or not. Her mother worked there also. I watched her age about ten years during that 18 months.
Anyone having problems dealing with workplace romance these days? Seems like they do crop up more this time of year.
I remember there was a situation at my last job where a husband and wife worked different shifts and she got involved with someone on her shift, then it got pretty ugly, pretty fast. Also, a young couple who got met, dated, got married, then got divorced while working there, all within 18 months. He left the company, she started dating someone else there. They both left, then returned. Not sure if they're still together or not. Her mother worked there also. I watched her age about ten years during that 18 months.
Anyone having problems dealing with workplace romance these days? Seems like they do crop up more this time of year.