Member's List

Tony or Celeste,
Bet you're getting tired of all the questions, but I have another. Why does the member's list only show 4 members?
Bet you're getting tired of all the questions, but I have another. Why does the member's list only show 4 members?
You just dated yourself. I haven't thought about "Members Only" jackets in years.
Also, thanks to everyone for your continued patience. Andrew is calling those of you who are still having trouble staying signed on. If you don't hear from him soon and/or want to get on the "Do-Call List," please e-mail him directly at [email][/email], or you can contact Celeste at [email][/email]. If you have already contacted Celeste or posted something about your problem on the Forum itself, you should be on the list already. tk
You just dated yourself. I haven't thought about "Members Only" jackets in years.[/quote]
Playing on the beach and skateboarding all day may seem like work to him...
Do they know someone....? While I'm in Nashville this weekend maybe I will stop by the MLS headquarters in Brentwood.
I'll be sure to take my camo dress, I can wear it to the wedding AND while digging in the trash!
In another thread there was discussion about the layout of the streets in Portland, OR. They can't be much worse than Nashville (or Memphis). I love it when a street dead ends only to start again two blocks over with a slightly different name. Going from Vandy (West End) to 7th was a nightmare, and I had a map!!!
Ok. That wasn't very realistic was it? lol
That is the newest New Member (is that bad grammar?). Are the IT folks playing around or are these real hackers trying to get in?