HR har-de-har

Hey Celeste,
You guys censoring us again? The lobby shows har-de-har has a new post as of 8:54 this am, but there it doesn't show up. I thought we were all playing nice, except maybe ACUFrank, but that's expected.:-)
You guys censoring us again? The lobby shows har-de-har has a new post as of 8:54 this am, but there it doesn't show up. I thought we were all playing nice, except maybe ACUFrank, but that's expected.:-)
Nothing was deleted. A post that had nothing to do with "Using the Employers Forum" was MOVED to another, more appropriate area where it would get more views. Unfortunately, when a message is moved out of the Using the Forum section, we can't turn off the signal that something new had been posted there. Hope everyone had a good weekend. tk