Abolishing 911

I think you should do away with the HR Forms 911 section. Judging from the number of questions that get zero responses, it appears this area is little visited and should be rolled in with the HR and Employment Law section in order to provide responses to those posting on 911. Just a casual observation.
Putting these questions in HR & Employment Law would get more people to look at them, which probably would bring more responses. It also would make HR & Employment Law a little busier and more diverse, but I don't know if that's good or bad.
Instead of eliminating HR Documents 911, would it be better to redefine it or broaden its scope and rename it? For example, include broader policy discussions? Or should we urge people to post their policies, as Sonny suggested? Or maybe we should just nuke it.
Let's get opinions from more people - especially those of you who use HR Documents 911. But it'll probably be next year before we get much response.
James Sokolowski
P.S. to Don: We weren't ignoring you - last Thursday and Friday were holidays for our company.
The idea of links to sites, such as the DOL poster site or FML forms site, is a good one. Plus this website has quite a few sample policies of which many of the members appear to be unaware.
Since a number of people use the topic to request help, perhaps linking or redirecting them as mentioned above is something to consider.
I think that the original intent was that "911" would be an area for forum members to share forms and policies; but when the occassion to "share" arises the shar[u]er[/u] is inundated with requests. I never offer assistance in this area because sharing is overwhelming and an inconvenience.
I recall that Christy and/or James offered on a few occassions to post the highly requested items in the subscribers area, but many requests for help are from new members who are unfamiliar with HRHero as a whole. If you look back at the postings in "911" you will see many one-time posters who never became active participants.
If "911" can't be user friendly, then it should be eliminated, because it does not make a good first impression. Moving it to the Employment Law area will only bog-down that area with requests.
regardless of the decision to keep or eliminate or enhance, please leave the 911 off. As has been previously stated, those numbers carry a very significant meaning and should not be used trivially.
All that notwithstanding, I must admit I have never discovered anything of real value in THIS section of the Forum. I agree with the following:
* Delete this folder, or...
* at least remove the 911 from the title, and
* format this section as a bulletin board (or something)for members to post policies, forms, etc., so as to relieve the burden of exponentially expanding requests for personal copies.
So I changed the name from "HR Documents 911" to "HR Documents." If we keep the section, we'll need a catchier name.
James Sokolowski
But we still have the problem that many posters ask questions in the Documents section but don't seem to get an answer (although s moll pointed out that some people respond to the poster by e-mail and it never shows up on the Forum). If we abolish the Documents section, they'll post their questions under HR & Employment Law. Would they get more responses there, or just get lost? Would it clutter HR & Employment Law? x:-/
I'd love to hear from more people who have requested help in the Documents section.
James Sokolowski
After saying all of that. I think there is very little response for a much simpler reason. It is near the bottom of the listings. It is a well known fact that what ever is at the top of the list is going to get the most hits!!! (HR employment law) People who do want to hear a joke or something light hearted will skip to Har-de-har-har and leave everything else out in between. Another point. I rarely have time to visit all of the sights so I must pick and choose. HR & Employment Law is at the top!!!
I'd be interested to know if FMLA/ADA/Workers' Comp gets the second most hits, and then Benefits and so on?
(edit) please disregard this whole post, I came in late and did not see that 911 was taken away. I still do not think it should go in HR Law though.
... and reach through the computer screen and slap members' hands when we are typing especially naughty x}> things on the forum ...
... and tenderly hand us slabs of moist chocolate cake when we are having a rough day.
Sees Chocolate would be preferable!