Exempt comp time

we're a public employer; got my policy communicated as directed by new regs. Now, I'm drafting practice on how to handle hours worked in excess of 40 per week by an exempt employee.
Special events such a NASCAR at Bristol this weekend will require supervisors to work all weekend. Do you allow exempt to accrue "comp" time and take it later? Hour for hour worked over 40? 50? Do you have a limit? or just expect them to work whatever is necessary?
Being fair and consistent is the bottom line, but what is fair?
Special events such a NASCAR at Bristol this weekend will require supervisors to work all weekend. Do you allow exempt to accrue "comp" time and take it later? Hour for hour worked over 40? 50? Do you have a limit? or just expect them to work whatever is necessary?
Being fair and consistent is the bottom line, but what is fair?
If we do this, think it will effect their exemp status?