Forum Gremlins

I do believe the forum gremlin ate my picture-It was in my profile and now it is NOTxx( I recall James saying the same thing happened to him, is there a place they go or...are they "out there" somewhere????Oh well, just thought I would ask!
Banned my picture???WHY would they do that-It was NOT THAT ugly on a scale of 1 to 10...LOL-Honest? banned my picture? I would sure like for one of the furum police to tell me why they would do that...I think the gremlins got it, maybe they were lonely! LOL
I bet the gremlins stole your picture to hang it on the wall of their burrow. Ray's probably jealous they didn't steal his. x:D
Try putting your picture in your profile again. Instructions are here:
Let me know if it still doesn't work.
James Sokolowski