
I've noticed quite a few 'guests' roaming the halls of the Forum. I've also felt at times that some questions seemed to be posted by somebody who dropped by the HR Office. Can anybody with access to the web check in on the Forum?
- We felt it would depress the number of people who participated (thus decrease the value of the forum) if you had to register without really knowing what you were signing up for. Many people are guests of the forum for a while until their comfort level rises to the point of registering to ask or answer questions.
- If registration were required, it might weed out a few people for whom the forum isn't intended, but on the other hand, if we had to approve each registrant, how do you decide whether someone who says they are an HR professional or employer or employment attorney really isn't?
Are you suggesting, Don D, that the need for privacy is important enough to require registration first? We're open to thoughts on the topic of requiring registration or leaving it like it is. After all, the forum is for those of you using it. Talk to me!
Christy Reeder
Website Managing Editor
The good side to that is that it may also be possible to use what you've posted in order to show the efforts you've made to find an equitable, reasonable, appropriate solution to a difficult and unique problem or situation. Just a thought from the half-full glass.
I have to admit that what Don found makes me uncomfortable. I guess I assumed it was for those of us who paid to subscribe to the law letter and center. I was under the impression that I could ask for advise and get replies without having to have a decoder ring. Knowing this makes it less valuable to me.