E-Coli in bagged salad

If you enjoy a good salad and missed this NBC Dateline documentary, PLEASE read this note.
Have a blessed weekend!
Cheryl C.
NBC Dateline did a documentary on cutup lettuce and spinach packaged in plastic bags. They took us through the whole process and talked about how the E coli bacteria is now showing up in the salad mix in bags. They don't know yet how the E coli got in, but they do know that deaths and serious sicknesses are occurring in many states. One woman told about how her child was near death from the lettuce and was sick for a long time. They warned us not to buy any bag salads until they find out from the investigation what is causing this contamination. The Dole Company has recalled their bags. See the link below. [u][url]http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/12536902/[/url][/u]
Please Please pass this one on...and perhaps save someone's life. This is really pretty scary.
[u][url]http://www.snopes.com/food/warnings/salad.asp[/url][/u] Look this one up in snopes--it is very true and needs to be noticed by everyone.
Have a blessed weekend!
Cheryl C.
NBC Dateline did a documentary on cutup lettuce and spinach packaged in plastic bags. They took us through the whole process and talked about how the E coli bacteria is now showing up in the salad mix in bags. They don't know yet how the E coli got in, but they do know that deaths and serious sicknesses are occurring in many states. One woman told about how her child was near death from the lettuce and was sick for a long time. They warned us not to buy any bag salads until they find out from the investigation what is causing this contamination. The Dole Company has recalled their bags. See the link below. [u][url]http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/12536902/[/url][/u]
Please Please pass this one on...and perhaps save someone's life. This is really pretty scary.
[u][url]http://www.snopes.com/food/warnings/salad.asp[/url][/u] Look this one up in snopes--it is very true and needs to be noticed by everyone.
We have a bunch of health food stores here in Austin that sell bulk salad by the pound - I wonder if that's okay to eat?
Anyway, the writer (following the geru's advice)puts all fresh food, including meat, in a sink full of water with one capful of Clorox for 20 minutes. Then she puts the food in a sink full of fresh water for 20 minutes.
I can vouch for the writer (I know her), but don't know that much about the geru. The writer claims she has been doing this for 30 years and I must admit she is quite healthy.
I am not ready to try to do this with meat, but I believe fresh fruit and veggies will get this treatmeant from now on.
Good luck!