Bacon Cheese Chicken

Bacon Cheese Chicken
1/2 c Dijon mustard
1/2 c honey
4 1/2 t vegetable oil (divided)
1/2 t lemon juice
4 boneless skinless chicken breast halves
1/4 t salt
1/8 t pepper
Dash paprika
2 c sliced fresh mushrooms
2 T butter
1 c shredded Monterey Jack cheese
1 c shredded cheddar cheese
8 bacon strips, partially cooked
2 t minced fresh parsley
In a bowl, comine mustard, honey, 1 1/2 t oil, and lemon juice. Pour 1/2 c of marinade into a large resealable plastic bag, add chicken. Seal bag and turn to coat; refrigerate for 2 hours, turing occasionally. Cover and refrigerate the remaining marinade.
After the 2 hours have passed, drain and discard marinade from chicken. In a large skillet over medium heat, brown chicken in remaining oil on all sides. Sprinkle with salt, pepper, and paprika. Transfer to a greased 11x7 inch baking dish.
In the same skillet, saute mushrooms in butter until tender. Spoon reserved marinade over chicken. Top with cheeses and mushrooms. Place bacon strips in a crisscross pattern over chicken. Bake, uncovered, at 375 degrees for 20-25 minutes or until a meat thermometer reads 160 degrees internally. Sprinkle with parsley. Yield: 4 servings.
Cook's notes:
2 cups of mushrooms weren't enough if you really like mushrooms.
I am chicken illiterate and used 4 whole chicken breasts. There was still plenty of marinade, but they took FOREVER to test done in the middle.
I made this more for my hubby since I don't really like chicken that much (hence my illiteracy) but I even enjoyed it. He's going to convert me away from being a plant eater yet - I bought ingredients to make "get happy pork loin" this weekend. Highlights on Monday. x;-)
The honey mustard flavor is pretty strong. I'm not sure why it isn't called Honey Mustard Chicken . . .
The bacon would be easier to eat if it were diced and sprinkled over the chicken. I might try that next time.
1/2 c Dijon mustard
1/2 c honey
4 1/2 t vegetable oil (divided)
1/2 t lemon juice
4 boneless skinless chicken breast halves
1/4 t salt
1/8 t pepper
Dash paprika
2 c sliced fresh mushrooms
2 T butter
1 c shredded Monterey Jack cheese
1 c shredded cheddar cheese
8 bacon strips, partially cooked
2 t minced fresh parsley
In a bowl, comine mustard, honey, 1 1/2 t oil, and lemon juice. Pour 1/2 c of marinade into a large resealable plastic bag, add chicken. Seal bag and turn to coat; refrigerate for 2 hours, turing occasionally. Cover and refrigerate the remaining marinade.
After the 2 hours have passed, drain and discard marinade from chicken. In a large skillet over medium heat, brown chicken in remaining oil on all sides. Sprinkle with salt, pepper, and paprika. Transfer to a greased 11x7 inch baking dish.
In the same skillet, saute mushrooms in butter until tender. Spoon reserved marinade over chicken. Top with cheeses and mushrooms. Place bacon strips in a crisscross pattern over chicken. Bake, uncovered, at 375 degrees for 20-25 minutes or until a meat thermometer reads 160 degrees internally. Sprinkle with parsley. Yield: 4 servings.
Cook's notes:
2 cups of mushrooms weren't enough if you really like mushrooms.
I am chicken illiterate and used 4 whole chicken breasts. There was still plenty of marinade, but they took FOREVER to test done in the middle.
I made this more for my hubby since I don't really like chicken that much (hence my illiteracy) but I even enjoyed it. He's going to convert me away from being a plant eater yet - I bought ingredients to make "get happy pork loin" this weekend. Highlights on Monday. x;-)
The honey mustard flavor is pretty strong. I'm not sure why it isn't called Honey Mustard Chicken . . .
The bacon would be easier to eat if it were diced and sprinkled over the chicken. I might try that next time.
Replace the Dijon mustard with chipotle adobo sauce and add some roasted garlic paste. BAM, BAM! You know the rest......
In case anyone hasn't figured it out by now, I have a major affection towards garlic and anyhting hot and spicy (but it's gotta have taste).
>dinner was last night so I ended up not getting
>to cook it?! I'm hoping for (ahem) better luck
>tonight . . .
The VFW serves food? The only thing I ever went to the VFW for was 5 cent drafts of Yuengling Lager. Let me tell you, we'd get rip roarin', knee walkin' drunk for a buck! Price went-up to 10 cents if there was entertainment, so sometimes you'd have to spring another dollar.....
Now, the next town over does not carry chipotles, so I bought a during a trip to the "city". I'll have to give it a run next time - my hubby loves spicy.
Oh, and if anybody cares, my pork loin was a little dry. If you're supposed to add water and cover, why doesn't it say so??? :>) I'm such a novice cook. Thankfully hubby would eat a cow pie if I put either salsa or honey on it (depends on if it is main dish or dessert).
Easy on the Chipotle Cow Pies, some national chain may catch on
The mustard and honey marinade is one my family uses, also but instead of cheese and bacon, we add a bunch of curry powder. Yummy!
Overall, I was just pleased that it ended up in better shape than the marinated beef tri-tip from a couple of weeks ago. (See previous note about husband and cow pies!)
My birthday is coming up, and I have requested a digital thermometer. The one I'm hoping for has a probe on a wire that you put in the meat and put the display unit on the counter. You set it to the temp you want, and it beeps at you when it gets there. I think it was made for people like me.
I'm learning to be a less literal cook and rely on my common sense as much as the recipe (maybe someday, I won't NEED recipes!).
Oh, and Gene, our hall is open only during events. The watering hole, AKA Horseshoe Tavern, closed down a year and a half ago. After our meth dealer who was covering with a sex toy shop got sent to prison, our only businesses in town are the post office, feed store, and grain elevator. We do still have a Catholic church that holds one mass per week, and my husband's weird uncle holds some kind of holy roller service in a steel building just off the highway. I think it's a cousin to snake handling churches . . .
I'm not sure what will happen when our meth dealer gets out of the clink . . . her husband OD'd, so she's on her own.
You wouldn't expect such excitement in Nebraska, either. I heard an amusing quote a while ago regarding our political climate: "Democrats? They spray for those around here!" We're as conservative as they come. Our mayor (then it was my hubby's cousin - on the other side from the "preacher") made the sex shop change its name from "Good S**t Enterprises" to "GS Enterprises." Why us???
What chicken recipe?
I tried to get a box of Alka Seltzer Cold, Nyquil and Children's Dimetapp and you would've thought that instead of my check card I had pulled-out a pistol on the clerk.
It was programmed into their point-of-sale system, so the register would not even allow the sale to go through! Imagine that. I don't know if they do this all across the nation or maybe because I happen to be in meth capital of the world.
Yes, Sam, I agree that most sane people live in small towns where they can think, breathe and do lots of yard work. Good for the soul. I like going into the local post office, bank and pizza shop and be known by name.
Safety hit the nail on the head, too - even my hubby and family don't take many precautions when it comes to the anhydrous. It did come up in conversation the other day that ag use of anhydrous is on its way out. Apparently there are new and better ways now. Hubby is hauling manure from our feedlots out to the fields as I type. Since the cattle eat most of our corn, it's definitely a case of what goes around comes around.
Oh, and I don't want to think about cow-shaped sex toys, either! :>) Good one, Judy. Even though he didn't admit it, I bet that made coffee come out Gene's nose, too.
Yeah, I just wanted to share some good chicken . . .
Hey, is it true (don't try this at home, kids) that if you put a dollar bill in anhydrous, it'll shrink? MY crazy uncle (no connection to hubby's snake handling uncle) told me that; not sure if I believe him or not.