The REAL Bachelorette

As a real bachelorette, I feel the duty to list my up-until-now, highly secretive, and much sought after recipes. Prepare yourselves.
***Comfort Food Crunch***
1-2 Tbsp smooth peanut butter (Adam's no stir is the best)
2 pieces whole wheat bread (nutrition!)
Hand full of Lay's potatoe chips
Spread the peanut butter on one piece of the bread. Layer the chips on top of the peanut butter. Add the other piece of bread to the top. Eat over the sink.
***No Money For Booze Cocktail***
1 part club soda
3 parts lemonade
Hand full of ice cubes
Put ice in glass. Pour liquids over glass. Swirl. Drink. Fabulous.
***Spaghetti What?***
1 can Spaghetti O's (with or without meatballs)
3/4 cup shredded cheddar cheese
Heat up Spaghetti O's in microwave. Trim mold off cheese, shred about 3/4 cup or more if you like. Sprinkle cheese over Spaghetti O's. Eat while watching reruns of "Friends".
***Comfort Food Crunch***
1-2 Tbsp smooth peanut butter (Adam's no stir is the best)
2 pieces whole wheat bread (nutrition!)
Hand full of Lay's potatoe chips
Spread the peanut butter on one piece of the bread. Layer the chips on top of the peanut butter. Add the other piece of bread to the top. Eat over the sink.
***No Money For Booze Cocktail***
1 part club soda
3 parts lemonade
Hand full of ice cubes
Put ice in glass. Pour liquids over glass. Swirl. Drink. Fabulous.
***Spaghetti What?***
1 can Spaghetti O's (with or without meatballs)
3/4 cup shredded cheddar cheese
Heat up Spaghetti O's in microwave. Trim mold off cheese, shred about 3/4 cup or more if you like. Sprinkle cheese over Spaghetti O's. Eat while watching reruns of "Friends".
Needless to say this reminds me of my "comfort food" when I was in college and living on $213 a month after tuition. x;-)
One of my favorites was Top Ramen, cooked, drained, covered with tomato sauce and grated parmesan cheese over a piece of garlic toast. Yum.
... and I already use your peanut butter and potato chip recipe, but I make a sandwich out of it.x;-)
Beagle and 'Rella: Have y'all tried that 'samwich' on the George Foreman grill? Quick boxes of mac and cheese do well on the grill too. And, one more tip: If you level up the Foreman, it's entirely possible with a little practice to do fair omelettes.
Good thing I bought a condo across the street from my mom's house x:D
Here's my favorite Bachelorette recipe:
Prepackaged lettuce (many varieties to choose from)
Hidden Valley Ranch Dressing
Big bowl
& Salad Toppings
Bottle of Pinot Grigio
Cut open salad bag & liberally pour dressing on top. Apply Salad Toppings to taste. Open bottle of Pinot Grigio and pour into a large wine glass (I add ice). It takes about 1 commercial break to prepare & depending on my mood I either add more vegetables or skip the salad entirely x;-)
One of my favorites:
Bag O' Salad
Pita bread
Best Foods Mayo
Ranch dressing
Sliced sharp Tillamook cheddar
Green onions
Green pepper (optional)
Combine salad with vegetables in a big bowl and toss with mayo and ranch dressing; place two slices of cheddar inside pita pocket and spoon in salad mix, salt and pepper to taste.
Now you can carry your salad anywhere and eat it like a sandwich. x;-)
But I'll pass on the wine - give me a pint of Guinness.
My husband just about tossed his cookies when I suggested that one. My children, however, loved it. x:D
Dipping Wendy's fries in a Frosty. =P~
Here's another quickie (recipe that is...)
Tomatoes & Mozzarella
Fresh vine ripe tomatoes
Fresh Mozzarella (preferably in water which can be found in an Italian deli, or, if you're lucky, sometimes in your local grocery's deli case. Watch out, it's spendy.)
Extra Virgin (can I say that?) olive oil
Fresh basil - dried works, but fresh is better.
Slice tomatoes. Slice cheese, place on top of tomatoes. Drizzle a small amount of olive oil over them, and top with basil. Salt and pepper to taste. I prefer Merlot, Cabernet, or particulaly with this dish, a nice Chianti - hold the fava beans please.
I saw a variation on this that called for balsamic vinegar instead of oil and it was considered to be a dessert. Have you tried that?
This does sound great, though. I don't know if it would trump my PB&C, but I'd like to try it. x;-)
I wonder what Pringles or Lays would add to the experience...
Quack quack.