Ultimate Cheese Sandwich

Okay, well, being a vegetarian my diet's a little less broad than most folks, but in honor of the new forum category and its title, I'll pass on my recipe for what I think is a killer sandwich.

2 thick slices french or sourdough bread

3-4 slices (depending on your coronary arteries' condition) extra sharp Tillamook Cheddar (or extra sharp Tillamook White cheddar)

Dijon mustard

Garlic powder (not garlic salt)

Best Foods mayonnaise

romaine lettuce

3-4 slices of tomato

Toast bread slightly, slather each slice with mayonnaise. Place the cheese on the bread, drown it in dijon mustard. Sprinkle garlic powder on the cheese to taste, add lettuce and tomato. A little more mayo on the tomato and enjoy. If you've done it right, you should feel beads of sweat pop out on your forehead as you eat it. x;-)


  • 3 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • I think it will take more than dijon for those beads of sweat, Parabeagle... I typically go the horseradish route.

    You need to be careful releasing your recipes, though... we don't want the carnivores to discover that we vegetarians can pack away just as much fat and cholesterol as they can!

  • This is indeed a side benefit of the recipe column - Learning that both the famous Beag and the famous WOCO are vegeterians, and all in one simple menu blurb. Next we'll be learning that Ritaanz was once a Nun. All things are possible my child. We'll, let me think about that.
  • And coincidentally, WOCO and I share the same last name. And he's right. We vegetarians (I refuse to even associate with the word "vegan") can pack away the calories and fat just as much as a carnivore. And Don: See? You learned something useful today. Vegetarians can be HR types too. x:-)
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