Labor Secretary Pick

What is your opinion on Obama's pick for Labor Secretary, Hilda Solis? What impact do you believe it will have?
"Her background has labor advocates cheering, while business interests are reacting warily. Solis is viewed as quite liberal and has sometimes been criticized as inflexible in advancing her causes."
"Solis' longtime support for the card-check legislation 'signals that Obama's Department of Labor will toe the line for union bosses,' said J. Justin Wilson, senior research analyst for the Washington-based Center for Union Facts, a group critical of organized labor."
"Her background has labor advocates cheering, while business interests are reacting warily. Solis is viewed as quite liberal and has sometimes been criticized as inflexible in advancing her causes."
"Solis' longtime support for the card-check legislation 'signals that Obama's Department of Labor will toe the line for union bosses,' said J. Justin Wilson, senior research analyst for the Washington-based Center for Union Facts, a group critical of organized labor."