Happy Q- Day

Today is Q's birthday. Happy Day!
Everyone wish her a happy 39th...... then we can do it again next year....and the next year.... and the next year.... just like Jack Benny.
Everyone wish her a happy 39th...... then we can do it again next year....and the next year.... and the next year.... just like Jack Benny.
I am trying to reach out to your new found love of punnery. I'm trying to understand you.
I've heard that Q was out on a date with a couple of handsome gentleman.
I also wore a pink marabou tiara all day yesterday, and had my desk decorated with glittery confetti and streamers.
My assistant took me to Denny's for a free birthday lunch. VERRRRY fancy. (She also bought me a bottle of wine)
My birthday celebration continues today with lunch and cake in the training room, with the office staff.
I work for the best company in the whole wide world.
Thank you all for the birthday wishes. Yippi-tai-yai-yay!