Have it "your" way at Burger King

Apparently Burger King doesn't like its employees to bathe. Well, to bathe in the Burger King sinks. A BK employee who posted a video of himself "Mr. Unstable" taking a bath in BK stainless steel sink (yeah, the one they use to wash the stuff that makes your food) while other employees and a manager look on.
Story here: [url]http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,402264,00.html[/url]
Burger King has posted a response saying that the sink has been sanitized, all utensils disposed of, fired a couple employees, and re trained the rest.
"Retrained the rest?" Would this be where they REMEMBER to INCLUDE the part of the training where they say "Dont take a bath in the sink."
Story here: [url]http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,402264,00.html[/url]
Burger King has posted a response saying that the sink has been sanitized, all utensils disposed of, fired a couple employees, and re trained the rest.
"Retrained the rest?" Would this be where they REMEMBER to INCLUDE the part of the training where they say "Dont take a bath in the sink."
Dont you think that covers more bases? For example, your question does not include toilets.
On the other hand, I am not giving them ideas. I am just trying to communicate to them that most of their ideas are probably bad or illegal.
Isnt that what HR does?