I've Arrived

I've qualified for AARP for a little while now, but Friday night I officially became a senior citizen. My wife and I went out to dinner and the cashier asked if a senior citizens discount was OK. I said sure. Wanted to ask what the age limit was since most places it is 60 and I ain't there yet unlike some other forumites. I also wanted to ask her how old she thought I was. But, I figured getting the 10% discount was worth it.
In 2002 when my sister was 48 she was asked if she wanted the senior menu at an IHOP (where you qualify at 55). Her hair is light blonde and she dresses fashionably. No one of any sense would have considered her to be 55 or older. There were older people at the table, and one of them looks considerably older due to a pain condition, but no one else was asked if they wanted a senior menu.
The waitor was an idiot, plain and simple. I am guessing your cashier may have been too.
(I fess up to being a dues paying, card carrying member of the AARP for some time now....)
In a similar way, my Ford Escort wagon will whistle at 57 mph.
Congrats. If you are ever in Oregon, lets go cruising down 101.
Ray, let me drive that car, and I'll blow the cobwebs out of the engine. Speed limits are merely a suggestion for me.
He hasn't posted a picture yet, because he didn't actually buy the car he described. He actually bought a Pacer. It IS black though.
Q, you are confusing me with a former forumite, my evil, twin Beagle. He drove the Pacer. I drive cool cars.
Pookiebeagle drove a Pacer? How could I have missed that? I would have picked on him endlessly. That's what much younger nieces are for... x:D
Had he known some of the cars that I've owned, he would have had much fun picking on me too... You are well aware of my car ownership history.
I was so totally cool when driving that car. Until it died. At something like 44,000 miles.