
My youngest daughter is pregnant and went for a sonogram yesterday. Guess what she is having?
They already have 2 boys and a girl, so this will make 5. They have no idea where they will put the new babies, and no room in the van for 3 car seats in the back. I see lots of stress on the immediate horizon, but then lots of fun and love to follow.
Baby A is a girl, Baby B is still unknown (they saw 2 sacks and 2 placentas so they are fraternal twins). This was a complete shock as 2 did not appear in an earlier sonogram and the doctor has only reported 1 heartbeat. Due date is in October, but it doesn't look as though she will make it that far.
Signed Happy, But Still in Shock in Kansas
They already have 2 boys and a girl, so this will make 5. They have no idea where they will put the new babies, and no room in the van for 3 car seats in the back. I see lots of stress on the immediate horizon, but then lots of fun and love to follow.
Baby A is a girl, Baby B is still unknown (they saw 2 sacks and 2 placentas so they are fraternal twins). This was a complete shock as 2 did not appear in an earlier sonogram and the doctor has only reported 1 heartbeat. Due date is in October, but it doesn't look as though she will make it that far.
Signed Happy, But Still in Shock in Kansas
I always wish twins or triplets on pregnant women. My wife and I had twins who are now 27 years old. It was interesting. We found out we were having twins when my wife went for a sonogram and the technician told us she found 2 babies in there. I had been watching the screen, when I heard twins, I turned around sat on a stool in the corner and mumbled, "we need a bigger house, a bigger car and two more pieces of the rock". We ended up putting an addition on the house, I traded my Pinto for a Volvo and only one kid was ensurable - the other has a heart condition. But, that's a different story.
Did I say twins are interesting? They are.
Do twins run in your family or your daughter's husband's family, or did she just decide to start a new tradition for both sides.....I hope she will have as easy a pregnancy as possible with twins and carrying them through the summer, but if God blessed her with these twins I'm sure he knew they would be well cared for and loved.
God bless you all.
Pssssstt, Nae, I think it is time that you sat her down and told her where babies come from. x:D
At least large SUV's are on sale now....
My cousin had twins, and my son-in-law has a set of twin cousins. However, those are the only ones so you cannot really say twins run in the family. The doc indicated that fraternal twins don't really run in families anyway.
The kids are looking at converting the basement or just looking for a bigger house (I vote for #2). There is no way to make things work with the house the way it currently is. At least they have a little time to figure it out.
Joannie: I loved your response! My grandkids already call me NaeNae, so one for each twin works for me. BTW, my 18 year old grand-daughter is expecting too and has informed me that her daughter will call me NaeNae too. It seemed strange to be called that 18 years ago, but now I really like it. I'll just tell my daughter to train the twins to only call me Nae, but to do it almost at the same time. x;-)
Any baby names decided on yet? Sensing a new Forum contest coming on.......
Hint: Baby A is a girl, but we don't know what baby B is.
What do you think they are naming them?
I appreciate how hard you must have concentrated to come up with a name that covers all, but I don't think I like Shim. Sorry. Try choosing 2 names, one boy name and one girl name, for Baby B.
DMK: Good names, but guess again.
I'll give another hint. Baby A's name starts with an A.
Lots of choices, huh?
Hint: If Baby B is a girl she will also have an A name. If a boy, it will be a B name.
Alyssa is the girl option for Baby B.
Now we just need Baby A's name, and the boy option for Baby B.
Andrea and Bradley