I appreciate this category!

Just wanted to let everyone (including the monitors) how much appreciate having a category where we can just B.S. if we want to. I got spanked pretty good last week for participating in an "inappropriate" thread on an industry-specific HR board, and it pi55ed me off.
The thread? Participants were discussing what restaurants to hit if they were attending the SHRM conference in Chicago.
Sheesh. Made me want to start my own board.
Not really.
The thread? Participants were discussing what restaurants to hit if they were attending the SHRM conference in Chicago.
Sheesh. Made me want to start my own board.

Sometimes I wonder if they read any of this at all. Yeah I am talking to you Tony and Celeste. Not to mention the Great Ragee.
It was nice to read Frank's post. Its too bad he got in trouble over on that other forum. Frank, if you need a wingman, let me know. I apparently am quite the forum troublemaker apparently.
The moderator of my little forum down the street just posted his rationale for taking us to task. He pointed out - by bolding certain words in the TOS - that the list serve is for "intelligent" and "professional" dialogue, and that posts discussing which restaurant to meet at does not fit either criteria.
What a pud.