Applicant Interview Questions

Most unusual questions that have been asked by job candidates
"What is it that you people do at this company?"
"What is the company motto?"
"Why aren't you in a more interesting business?"
"What are the zodiac signs of all the board members?"
"Why do you want references?"
"Do I have to dress for the next interview?"
"I know this is off the subject, but will you marry me?"
"Will the company move my rock collection from California to Maryland?"
"Will the company pay to relocate my horse?"
"Does your health insurance cover pets?"
"Would it be a problem if I'm angry most of the time?"
"Does your company have a policy regarding concealed weapons?"
Obviously, this list includes a question used by Frank when he interviewed for his current job.
"What is it that you people do at this company?"
"What is the company motto?"
"Why aren't you in a more interesting business?"
"What are the zodiac signs of all the board members?"
"Why do you want references?"
"Do I have to dress for the next interview?"
"I know this is off the subject, but will you marry me?"
"Will the company move my rock collection from California to Maryland?"
"Will the company pay to relocate my horse?"
"Does your health insurance cover pets?"
"Would it be a problem if I'm angry most of the time?"
"Does your company have a policy regarding concealed weapons?"
Obviously, this list includes a question used by Frank when he interviewed for his current job.
It's been about a month since I smoked any; I waited to apply. If I go back and test negative now can I still have the job?
Where do these people come from?
Me: What uncommon strengths would you bring to the team?
Applicant: I've done business here, and you need smarter people. I'm smarter.
Me: Well, we haven't tested your intelligence yet, but I'll make a note that your self-absorption scores are off the charts.
Applicant: Excellent.
Years ago, I was interviewing a woman for a breakfast cook position. I don't recall what I asked her, but she began to rattle off all the ways she can cook chicken. "I can bake chicken, fry chicken, boil chicken, grill chicken, etc etc etc etc etc." It was very reminiscent of "Bubba" from Forrest Gump. She then reached back and gave her rear end a good scratching.
I can practically hear the sound of fingernails on polyester.
The cooks worked in full view of the guests. I thought perhaps the guests might be offended by the scratching. Didn't hire her. Plus, we didn't serve chicken for breakfast. Her skills didn't suit our needs. x;-)
At this point, I'm ready for ANYTHING.
Anyway, we used to get all sorts of garbage until that requirement was lifted. I had one guy pick up an application and tell me he wasn't filling it out, I was going to sign his card, and if I didn't he would kick my @55. I told him I wasn't signing it and he left after he kicked a huge honkin' dent in the metal trash can.
Well, whether or not she really wanted it, she sure didn't get it! It's hard to tell sometimes, though. We do get some applicants who only apply so they can tell the unemployment office that they'd applied for work that week but we also get a lot of people coming in who really are totally clueless about what's okay and what's not for an interview, and who seem completely surprised when they find out they didn't get the job.
Some of my favorites (besides the ex-con mother):
Applicant comes in dressed in a business suit, trying to look very professional, however, from the rumpled state of the suit and the fact that she reeked of alcohol, she'd apparently put the suit on before going on a several-day bender.
Applicant comes in for her interview and immediately pulls a toy out of her purse and starts chattering away about how cute it is, etc. before the flabbergasted interviewer can even ask the first question. This applicant came back and applied for every job we advertised for about a 2-year period (and by all accounts, acted just as strange each time).
Applicant comes in with so many facial piercings, she looks like she fell face-first into a fishing tackle box. The interviewer explains that the facial piercings are not allowed per our dress code so, if by some chance the person were to be hired, she'd have to remove the hardware during working hours. Applicant leaves in a huff because she's being "discriminated against" because of her appearance.
What is starting to frustrate me are people who apply at multiple employers and give the impression they are very serious about the job. Then once hired, they announce they have made other plans.
You begin understanding why airlines overbook their flights...
I had a couple of strange ones also
One man brought his mother to the interview that proceeded to tell us , I brought my mother, she does all the talking for me. (you had to wonder is his mother coming to work with him every day?) He wasn't hired!
Than we had the fellow in the lilac shirt...very sharp dressed looking .....half way through the interview in a soft feminine voice....ohhh this interview is so intense...I think I might you mind if I get some air..he walked out of the room.
He wasn't hired either!