Vacation and Memorial Day

Hello, I wanted to wish everyone an enjoyable Memorial Day weekend. My vacation starts tomorrow and I can't wait. Try not to do anything exciting on the forum while I'm gone...I don't want to miss anything!!! Take Care, Dawn
Has anything exciting happened recently on the forum?
We will plan a fashion show for next week. The theme will be red white and blue.
- Frank will be carrying around his Uncle Sam pants for the occasion. Won't be wearing them, though.
- Jim will wear the matching red/white/blue sequinned bustier.
- Ray will wear his red/white/blue plaid shorts.
- Paul told me he's getting an American flag dyed into the back of his hair.
- Joannie is getting a new USA-themed tattoo for the occasion.
- Nae is wearing her red/white/blue sparkly tiara, with the matching feather boa.
- I'm bustin' out the star spangled RuPaul shoes.
Jim (may have to change name again)
Paul, you are dyed-in-the-wool 80's dude. Just TRY and tell me you never did anything like that with your hair back then...
Ray, I know you like I know my own brother.
Now, if Larry would ever come back to us, he could wear the Southern Belle-style gown with 10,000 ruffles bedazzled with 10,000 stars.
If I did needles and was willing to get a tattoo, the American Flag Rose on the above link would be a great one to get.