The women are in charge.

If you have been watching Survivor you know that there were four women and one man left of the original group. This season has matched the "Favorites" of past seasons against "fans" of the show. The fans have been clearly outmatched by the Favorites who are more experienced.
Over the past few weeks, a core group of five women have successfully blindsided four very powerful male players and booted them off the island.
The ultimate was last night. Erik, the last remaining male, had won the "immunity idol" and was safe from being voted off. The women, however, hatched a plan to convince Erik that he should give the immunity idol to one of the females as a way of showing he is "trustworthy".
Keep in mind that Erik is a huge fan of the show and has probably waited years for his chance to actually be a "Survivor". Keep in mind also that Erik has survived on the island for thirty days and endured rain, bugs, and grueling conditions. Keep in mind that he had a guaranteed spot in the final four and a chance to win a $1,000,00. Keep in mind that he had JUST WATCHED four other guys get totally blindsided.
And so did he fall for it? Of course he did. The women played him like a fiddle. The even got him to APOLOGIZE for his own attempts to try to manipulate them.
It was literally mindblowing. I am in awe of these women and their ability to convince a man to do something that is COMPLETELY not in his best interest.
Of course, as soon as Erik gave away his immunity to one of the females, they promptly started giggling and voted him off the island.
So here's to you, daughters of Eve. Your skills of deception and trickery know no equal. We men are but pawns in your hands.
Over the past few weeks, a core group of five women have successfully blindsided four very powerful male players and booted them off the island.
The ultimate was last night. Erik, the last remaining male, had won the "immunity idol" and was safe from being voted off. The women, however, hatched a plan to convince Erik that he should give the immunity idol to one of the females as a way of showing he is "trustworthy".
Keep in mind that Erik is a huge fan of the show and has probably waited years for his chance to actually be a "Survivor". Keep in mind also that Erik has survived on the island for thirty days and endured rain, bugs, and grueling conditions. Keep in mind that he had a guaranteed spot in the final four and a chance to win a $1,000,00. Keep in mind that he had JUST WATCHED four other guys get totally blindsided.
And so did he fall for it? Of course he did. The women played him like a fiddle. The even got him to APOLOGIZE for his own attempts to try to manipulate them.
It was literally mindblowing. I am in awe of these women and their ability to convince a man to do something that is COMPLETELY not in his best interest.
Of course, as soon as Erik gave away his immunity to one of the females, they promptly started giggling and voted him off the island.
So here's to you, daughters of Eve. Your skills of deception and trickery know no equal. We men are but pawns in your hands.
And what would the Forum Women be, Frank? Goose liver?
Don't ask me what. I am just a mere man. A lamb really. A man/lamb. Led quietly to the slaughter.
Accept this and it will make everything easier.
Apply? Not me. They only select people with outrageous personalities who are known for stirring up trouble and making provocative statements.
I was voted off a forum once. That's almost the same thing.