
Anyone else out in Forumland recycle? I am not fanatical about it but I do cringe at seeing a pop can or plastic bottle go in the trash. Cardboard and greyboard too.
I have heard that your view of recycling may be directly related to your geographic area and/or political affiliation.
Ok, any recycling buddies out there? Any Prius owners?
I have heard that your view of recycling may be directly related to your geographic area and/or political affiliation.
Ok, any recycling buddies out there? Any Prius owners?
No Prius. They cost so much that I would never save enough in gas to afford the difference in purchase price between the Prius and my Vue.
Plus, they are ugly. (Sorry, Prius owners...)
NeedCoffee: do you just bring canvas totes that you have at home, or did you purchase canvas grocery bags somewhere? They sell them at our local Walmart, but they seem pretty small.
At home, my wife is probably better with the recycling than I am, but it is a good idea. There have been studies done and our dump is heading toward the point of being filled up. I think in something like 70 years, whoever still lives here will have to have an alternative.
Now that Mr. Gore has perfected the method, I have calculated the above recycling and other environmentally thoughtful things we do, more than off set (carbon credits) my pickup truck's emissions and burning natural gas in our central heat...... oh, and flushing after every use..
Our recycling company has relaxed its rules on how strictly you have to seperate paper products. Pretty much newspapers, cardboard, and grey board can all go in together.
We have one garbage can and we fill it up each week. It seems like a lot of garbage and so the recycling makes me feel a little better.
I dont use my own bags at the grocery store. I take the plastic bags and use them for trash liners.
I am wondering what Q does with the dozens of Alberto VO5 bottles she must go through each week...
I do own a Prius and love it. My husband's vehicle is a Ford Escape Hybrid. We seriously considered getting him a Prius, but we needed a vehicle that could tow our pop-up camper.
We have had curbside recycling as long as I can remember and its certainly convenient.
There are so many ways people around here could go greener, but unfortunately to many who live here, being environmentally responsible is associated wth the environmentalists (aka "greenies") that many blame for the loss of much of the logging industry in this area, so to those people "green" is a dirty word.
>cringe at seeing a pop can or plastic bottle go in the trash. Cardboard and
>greyboard too.
>I have heard that your view of recycling may be directly related to your
>geographic area and/or political affiliation.
>Ok, any recycling buddies out there? Any Prius owners?
Hey Paul,
I live in Alcoa, TN, home of aluminum and we recycle within the city limits of Alcoa. We recycle newspapers, cardboard, greyboard, aluninum cans, plastic, glass, etc. Additionally, twice annually, we have an opportunity to get rid of old paint and other chemicals. We also have a place to discard used oil and antifreeze. I gladly let my county friends use my recycle bin if they would like. It is a lot better than seeing recycable litter lying on the side of the road. If it can be reused, please recycle it. Unfortunately, I drive a Dodge which may change in the near future.