The Word by Paul in Cannon Beach

In honor of our new esteemed guest John Phillips, I am starting my own blog (thread) called "The Word".
Today's word is: chicanery (shi-key-nuh-ree): a quibble or subterfuge used to trick, deceive, or evade.
HR example: "Clearly, the only way he could have gotten his promotion is by resorting to chicanery."
Today's word is: chicanery (shi-key-nuh-ree): a quibble or subterfuge used to trick, deceive, or evade.
HR example: "Clearly, the only way he could have gotten his promotion is by resorting to chicanery."
Today's word is: Perfunctory (per-fuhngk-tuh-ree) lacking interest, care, or enthusiasm; indifferent or apathetic
HR example: "He performed the administrative aspects of his position in a perfunctory manner."
Perfunctory: A flawless George Clinton concert.
Ok here is a special Weekend Edition of the Word:
Harbinger (pronounced: ˈhär-bən-jər): a person who brings or initiates change, something that foreshadows what is to come
HR example: "The new CEO's decision to get rid of e-mail and go back to paper memos was a harbinger of things to come."
Maybe we all need to spend time apart.
Ok, for Monday, the Word is: "goombah" - a companion or associate who is generally older and acts as an adviser or protector.
HR example: "HRQ is Ray's sidekick. Ray is is Q's goombah."
Sonny, I'm hurt. I thought you were my friend. Must be with the big birthday coming up, your mind is getting a little fuzzy. I think Q will be kicking Paul in the side.
Jo, I guess you and I have something in common, we both need to shave our legs. But, reliable sources tell me mine look better than yours, at least my leg hair is not very noticeable.
As President Bush once said "Is our children learning?"
In honor of ACLU Frank, today's word is "truculent" (pronounced: trúkyulunt) definition: defiantly aggressive.
HR Example: "The employee's truculent response during her annual review took the HR manager by suprise."
Pronounced: säp′ə rif′ik
Meaning: sleep inducing
HR Example: "The department meeting last weeks was soporific."