Start chilling the bubbly...

Well, I think it's time I tell my fellow forumites...NeedCoffee's days are numbered here on the forum. I do not know if we shall meet again. I will definitely try to get my new employer (when I find one!) to subscribe so that we can continue trading witty barbs, smart retorts, and rousing repartee.
I have decided after much thought to resign my position, pick up, and move to Chicago. All of you know my distaste for "hot," therefore Chicago should be much more to my liking!
So, [insert shameless self-plug] if you know of any HR positions in the Chicagoland area, please private message me, because I'm looking!! I will be here with you on the forum until June 1, then it's into the coffee grinder I go.
It has been a pleasure, and I look forward to our last few weeks together. And I'm serious about the networking! If anyone just wants a copy of my resume to pass along, I'm happy to do that too!
Thanks guys!
I have decided after much thought to resign my position, pick up, and move to Chicago. All of you know my distaste for "hot," therefore Chicago should be much more to my liking!
So, [insert shameless self-plug] if you know of any HR positions in the Chicagoland area, please private message me, because I'm looking!! I will be here with you on the forum until June 1, then it's into the coffee grinder I go.
It has been a pleasure, and I look forward to our last few weeks together. And I'm serious about the networking! If anyone just wants a copy of my resume to pass along, I'm happy to do that too!
Thanks guys!
I wish you the best of luck. If you don't get back on the forum, know that I, for one, will certainly miss your wise counsel and witty sense of humor.
Jo Ann
Congratulations on taking the big step. It must be a little frighening not knowing what will happen, but Chicago is big town, you're sure to land something quickly. I truly hope you'll be able to stick around with us, if not, you'll be greatly missed.
Good luck and come back to see us soon!
(p.s. - just take the log-in with you... no one will be the wiser)
I saw an article on Kinky Friedman recently and it reminded me of you. Wish I could remember where I saw it...
I wish you the best of luck. You can get some of our email addresses from our profiles, and I'd love to keep in touch.
Think of me when you are wearing galoshes in the snow in January and your cap gives you "hat hair." I'll be here in my sandals. xB-)
I have sent someone to the MLS headquarters in Brentwood to re-negotiate your subscription. And by "someone" I mean Chuck Norris and by "re-negotiate" I mean a series of round house kicks to the head.
Or am I mixing my Forumites?
Whatever. I thought of her, and it's the thought that counts. Be nice to me or I will have Paul take you down with a roundhouse kick to the head. He'd do that for me. He's a loyal friend.
Back to you, Sarah. The boys are trying to make it all about THEM again. x:-)
------------------------------------ says;
[b]se·gue /ˈseɪgweɪ, ˈsɛgweɪ/ [sey-gwey, seg-wey] verb, -gued, -gue·ing
5. any smooth, uninterrupted transition from one thing to another. [/b]
In case anyone felt the need to research. x:D
Problem solved, move on.
Best wishes----
1) No, I do not look like Kinky Friedman. That is a scary, scary thought. You will never. ever. ever. catch me in a cowboy hat.
2) Yes, Kinky is from Austin, as am I. Q, you are not going crazy, we did have this conversation.
3) I am THRILLED beyond all belief to be getting out of this heat. Words can not describe the joy!
4) I think you guys are on to something with this whole "HRHero as a condition of employment" if only I could negotiate a personal chef and housekeeper...