Here is an inappropriate question: why do companies and seminar organizers feel it is necessary to always have a female or a minority, or a female minority present diversity topics? I find that in itself condescending and stereotyping. I consider myself a long term supporter of equality and have accepted and been humbly shamed in my villian's role of white male. Who better to lead the charge?
It gives the impression that they are the expert on the topic because they've lived it.
The perception, right or wrong, is that a white male could not possibly be an expert in diversity when you have never been, um, diversed against?
Actually, you white males get to be the target all the time now. The persecution has only begun in the past decade or so, while others have suffered for thousands of years. Think about it: what year were women "allowed" to vote? Not all that long ago.
Enjoy being the center of attention. It's not like anybody took away your rights. Yet. x:-)
"Actually, you white males get to be the target all the time now. The persecution has only begun in the past decade or so, while others have suffered for thousands of years."
I think it's been more than a decade; I believe it's been at least 30 years. In 1976 or 1977 my husband worked for Santa Fe Railroad in California. A directive went out, in writing, that until further notice no young white males would be promoted. Only minorities and older employees would be promoted, again, until further notice. My husband was 30. He was laid off in 1981, and the directive was still out there.
Still, even 30 years doesn't begin to make up for centuries of things going the other way. But really, can we really ever do that? Is it fair to the guys who had nothing to do with it in the first place?
Disclaimer: These comments exclude PICB. We all know how he is. x:D
Yep, somebody did take away some rights after all.
I hate when companies interpret Affirmative Action to mean that some populations have to be held back in order to up the statistics of other populations.
I do agree that people should not suffer now for what others did, simply because they fall into the same race or gender category.
It's fun to pick on some of the Forum guys anyway, though. They can't claim that they don't take advantage of the ample opportunities to pick back.
No, the point of Diversity Training is to teach you to treat all people, equally, with respect, regardless of whether you care or not. Now do you understand why you might need more diversity training?
The perception, right or wrong, is that a white male could not possibly be an expert in diversity when you have never been, um, diversed against?
Actually, you white males get to be the target all the time now. The persecution has only begun in the past decade or so, while others have suffered for thousands of years. Think about it: what year were women "allowed" to vote? Not all that long ago.
Enjoy being the center of attention. It's not like anybody took away your rights. Yet. x:-)
I think it's been more than a decade; I believe it's been at least 30 years. In 1976 or 1977 my husband worked for Santa Fe Railroad in California. A directive went out, in writing, that until further notice no young white males would be promoted. Only minorities and older employees would be promoted, again, until further notice. My husband was 30. He was laid off in 1981, and the directive was still out there.
Still, even 30 years doesn't begin to make up for centuries of things going the other way. But really, can we really ever do that? Is it fair to the guys who had nothing to do with it in the first place?
These comments exclude PICB. We all know how he is. x:D
I hate when companies interpret Affirmative Action to mean that some populations have to be held back in order to up the statistics of other populations.
I do agree that people should not suffer now for what others did, simply because they fall into the same race or gender category.
It's fun to pick on some of the Forum guys anyway, though. They can't claim that they don't take advantage of the ample opportunities to pick back.
Maybe the ladies should be the ones attending sensitivity classes on how to be more aware of our needs and issues.
The first class could discuss the various sport seasons and how each of them are special to us.
So far, diversity training has just made me feel angry towards CERTAIN people.
Looks like someone could use a grammar class or two, also. x:D
Take the class Paul.