Our Oldies station started playing Christmas music 11/16 at 4 PM. I'm not ready for that yet! Maybe this weekend. Seems like every year they start earlier with the decorations and the music. I often wonder how people of other faiths feel when all they see in the mall, hear on the radio, or see on TV is related to Christmas. That being said, I don't like having to be politically correct when referring to the holidays. If I wish you a Merry Christmas and you're Jewish, can't you just wish me a Happy Hanukkah?
I need to be careful and pace myself or I burn out on Christmas about December 18th... That said, I love O Holy Night. It has a stirring melody and poetic words. Doesn't get any better than that.
The classics are the BEST. I just bought the Frank Sinatra CD from Kohl's ($5 that goes to a children's charity) and am waiting to open it until this weekend at least. I bought one a few years ago with the "original" versions of a lot of songs. My favorite fun one is Santa Baby sung by Eartha Kitt.
I really enjoy the favorites and the hymns, I just don't want to hear them until the week before Christmas and not at all after. Getting burned out as Paul stated is becoming a very common ailment and we are totally out of touch with what it's supposed to be about. Oh well, rock around the Christmas tree with sleigh bells on your roasted chestnuts!
O Holy Night is my favorite as well! I like the "Little Drummer Boy / Peace on Earth" duet by Bing and Bowie too... And anything by Brian Setzer. My wife could listen to Johnny Mathis' Christmas albums over and over.
I will be driving in our local Christmas parade this weekend. Yes, the city still refers to this event as the "Christmas" parade. I will have the CD turned up way to loud playing Mannheim Steamroller's Christmas favorites. I agree, the classics are the best. I remember walking downtown to the Ritz theater to see White Christmas when it came out. As a kid I really got a kick out of my Dad singing, "All I want for Christmas is my two front teeth.
ACU Frank, do you remember Brian Setzer's original band? Answer: stac yarts eht
I grew up in a family that did not celebrate Christmas. Its a long story but basically my family objected to Christmas for religious reasons. All that really did was make me love Christmas more.
I try to remember that its a time to remember the birth of Jesus Christ and not get too wrapped up (get it?) in the shopping and gifts.
Anyone gone to [url]www.elfyourself.com[/url] yet? It takes awhile to load but its worth it. Sort of.
I am a huge Christmas music fan. The other employees even joke about it around here. My husband and I came to an agreement early in our marriage. I won't listen to or sing carols before Thanksgiving or after New Year's. Between those days he won't complain about how much I'm listening to. The interesting thing is that in recent years he has been even more enthusiastic about it than me.
This year I was looking for a radio station while I took my grandson over to his aunt's to trick or treat and was shocked to hear Christmas music on one of the stations. That was too much even for me. Christmas music is too weird on Halloween.
I am jealous about missing Eartha Kit sing Santa Baby on one of the Kohl's Christmas CD's. I missed that one. (And though I like Madonna, she does it badly.)
The absolute (by a very long way) worst Christmas album I ever heard was by the Beatles. My hubby is a Beatles fan so when I saw it I snatched it up and went right home to listen to it. Talk about barfola! It was the words to traditional hymms sung to the tunes of their hits from then (early 60's). I can't remember which was which, but for instance it was the words to O Holy Night sung to I Want to Hold Your Hand or Away in a Manger sung to Help! Serious Yuck!
Pass the egg nogg latte!
Love Frank, Bing, Nat, etc. Very Christmassy, not in the least bit annoying.
I agree, the classics are the best. I remember walking downtown to the Ritz theater to see White Christmas when it came out. As a kid I really got a kick out of my Dad singing, "All I want for Christmas is my two front teeth.
I grew up in a family that did not celebrate Christmas. Its a long story but basically my family objected to Christmas for religious reasons. All that really did was make me love Christmas more.
I try to remember that its a time to remember the birth of Jesus Christ and not get too wrapped up (get it?) in the shopping and gifts.
Anyone gone to [url]www.elfyourself.com[/url] yet? It takes awhile to load but its worth it. Sort of.
Or check my and my two girls out here: [url]http://www.elfyourself.com/?id=9620724410[/url]
This year I was looking for a radio station while I took my grandson over to his aunt's to trick or treat and was shocked to hear Christmas music on one of the stations. That was too much even for me. Christmas music is too weird on Halloween.
I am jealous about missing Eartha Kit sing Santa Baby on one of the Kohl's Christmas CD's. I missed that one. (And though I like Madonna, she does it badly.)
The absolute (by a very long way) worst Christmas album I ever heard was by the Beatles. My hubby is a Beatles fan so when I saw it I snatched it up and went right home to listen to it. Talk about barfola! It was the words to traditional hymms sung to the tunes of their hits from then (early 60's). I can't remember which was which, but for instance it was the words to O Holy Night sung to I Want to Hold Your Hand or Away in a Manger sung to Help! Serious Yuck!
Look at me once.
Look at me twice.
Look at me again theres gonna be a fight!
We're gonna rock this town
We're gonna rip this place apart.
Now those are good lyrics!