Ray, did you mean to ask, "Who will be the next Democratic nominee?" -- or are you Republicans throwing in the towel already? ;;)
SMace, I think I hear that closet-rummaging sound too. It must be Obama's closet they're working on, since I believe Hillary's has already been pretty well plundered.
I had lunch last with two friends. Both intelligent, middle of the road types and both said they were taking hard looks at Hillary. I was very suprised. At least one would probably consider himself "conservative".
If that is indicative of what the country if thinking, I am very suprised. I personally would never vote for her. Too much baggage. There simply has to be someone else who can run this country besides Hillary and her "vast right wing conspiracy".
I wouldnt count the Republicans out. They have been whupped recently but that could be the best thing that ever happened to them. With the President's policies on Iraq under fire, it may be easier for a GOP maverick to emerge. Someone with fresh ideas.
In the meantime I will be watching McCain, Lieberman, and Guilianni.
[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON 12-12-06 AT 07:37AM (CST)[/font][br][br]No, the Republicans are not dead. And this recent bloodbath may be the best thing that could have happened to them, if they learn some lessons from it. But Paul, your opening paragraph supports my contention that the Democrats are in a position of strength because there are a large number of middle of the road Republicans that may vote Democratic again if the Republicans do not nominate "the correct" candidate. Either McCain or Guiliani could be the correct candidate because they tend to be centrists politically with some liberal positions that would draw crossover votes from those to the left of center. Lieberman is still a Democrat.
It is highly unlikely a conservative Republican, such as Newt Gringrich, can win. For interesting commentary on Newt, go here, [url]http://cosmicwheel.blogspot.com/[/url]
If Obama is seriously considering a run at the presidency (I dont think he is) its difficult to understand why he agreed to go on Monday Night Football. He needs credibility, not pop culture relevancy.
You can see it here: [url]
He also showed that he can't stay in key.
If he isn't serious about the Presidency, I admire his ability to not take himself seriously. A world leader really can't indulge in these kinds of trivialites (or shouldnt) until their days in power are over.
Then again, politics is one of our national sports...
SMace, I think I hear that closet-rummaging sound too. It must be Obama's closet they're working on, since I believe Hillary's has already been pretty well plundered.
If that is indicative of what the country if thinking, I am very suprised. I personally would never vote for her. Too much baggage. There simply has to be someone else who can run this country besides Hillary and her "vast right wing conspiracy".
I wouldnt count the Republicans out. They have been whupped recently but that could be the best thing that ever happened to them. With the President's policies on Iraq under fire, it may be easier for a GOP maverick to emerge. Someone with fresh ideas.
In the meantime I will be watching McCain, Lieberman, and Guilianni.
Barack Hussein Obama? Not in my lifetime...
It is highly unlikely a conservative Republican, such as Newt Gringrich, can win. For interesting commentary on Newt, go here, [url]http://cosmicwheel.blogspot.com/[/url]
You can see it here: [url]
He also showed that he can't stay in key.
If he isn't serious about the Presidency, I admire his ability to not take himself seriously. A world leader really can't indulge in these kinds of trivialites (or shouldnt) until their days in power are over.
Then again, politics is one of our national sports...