Outed by LarryC :>)

Here's a little good news to start the week - as noted by Larry in the bad joke thread, I am feeling quite blessed. My husband and I are expecting a baby in March! It is our first, so we're very excited, a little nervous, and not quite sure that reality has set in yet.
So if anybody has any "new parent" advice, we're trying to learn all we can!
So if anybody has any "new parent" advice, we're trying to learn all we can!
Advice? I could write volumes!!! Our daughters have given me life experiences akin to going on that super tall roller coaster at Six Flags Great Adventure in NJ. It's been an exciting ride but at times I thought my heart was going to stop. We're best friends still.
Embrace each and every stage with anticipation and wonder. Be the kind of friend you wanted your parents to be when you were growing up. Don't threaten anything that you really wouldn't do. Oh, and model the adult you want them to grow up to be. Teach them forgiveness early and often. We all need it. Listen, listen, listen to them...and don't be afraid to discipline them. They'll love you for it later...Trust me!
You sleep when the baby sleeps. I always thought I could get in that extra load of laundry or watch TV or something. Forget about it. You'll finally collapse a week later. When I finally accepted that, things went a lot smoother.
1. Love your spouse. Love is a decision not a feeling.
2. Be honest and admit your failings.
3. Be consistent with them.
4. Consider getting rid of your TV.
5. Pray for them.
6. Create traditions.
7. Let them be kids as long as possible.
8. Don't buy new toys if they aren't playing with the ones they have.
9. Each child has a unique personality. Don't force them to be something they may not be.
10. Don't beat yourself up if they aren't perfect. Kids really do go through "stages". Relax.
Paul, I really take issue with #8. Boy, it's a good thing my wife doesn't hold me to THAT one. Don't anyone let her see this.
Too late, Larry. Your wife's been watching the forum closely since acquiring her new Title. She will be making drastic adjustments to your Christmas List this year.
Again, congratulations and stay healthy.
My parenting advice? Avoid the mindset where the new mom (along with every other woman in the family, daycare center, grocery store, and pretty much the whole world) thinks that the dad only "helps" take care of the kid. You're equal partners. If you can't stand to see him put on her clothes backwards and warm her bottle in his underarm ... then go take a nap.
James Sokolowski
Good for you guys! x:-)
Our girls are all grown now, and only one is under 30. The youngest is expecting her 3rd child anyday now. Love really does make the world go round.
1. Pick your battles. If it's won't matter ten years from now don't worry about it.
2. Whatever it is "this too shall pass".
3. Love them and hug them.
Be tougher
Don't be so tough
Don't spank
Breast feed
Velcro on shoes
Sanitize the binky
Occasionally rinse the binky
Send the child to childcare
Keep the child home until Kindergarten
"Force" them into a sleep schedule
Let them sleep whenever they are tired
The list goes on. None of these are right or wrong, necessarily, as long as it's done with love.
I'm so excited for you! My boys are 4 and 6 and I don't expect to have a clean house, eat a hot meal, or get a full night's sleep for at least another 14 years. (OK, It's not THAT bad...!)
Let us know whenever you need advice! We'll give you all kinds of conflicting answers and you can pick your favorite. x:-)
If any of you's guys try to claim I implied something off color with the "spanking" comment, I'm gonna come over there and hurt you.
OK, HRQ, come on over and hurt me. x)>
Next time I'll just hit the delete button, grab my binky and take a nap. x:D